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Are there different protocols for different conditions?

Yes, The system treatment is the same but additional individual support can be suggested. Contact us for further info.

Will I need special training to use the Alimtox unit?

No, special training is needed to operate this system. Full instructions are supplied with each unit.

Is there anyone who cannot have the treatment?

The Alimtox Ion Generator is safe for most people, however, the following cannot have a treatment:
People with Epilepsy, Transplanted Organs, Pacemaker, Defibrillator, Pregnancy

How long do the arrays last?

Typically an array can last between 20-40 treatments.

Does the Alimtox Generator have any side effects?

If properly used the Alimtox Ion Generator has not been shown to have any negative side effects.

Can women use the Alimtox Ion Generator during menstruation?

Yes, this is perfectly fine.

Can patients use the Alimtox Ion Generator after surgery?

Yes, They can use the unit as soon as they can comfortably sit for the length of the treatment.

Can we get an electric shock if our feet should touch the array?

You cannot get an electric shock because the machine has an auto-protect measure that will shut off the machine if it goes beyond the security range. The machine will simply stop at this point.

What are the black flecks in the water and where do they come from?

The Black flecks are metals that come off the array zinc bar on the inside of the array.

Blacks flecks can come from the deionization of heavy metals in the water itself or metals from the patient's body.

How can I tell where the metal is coming from?

If the black flakes are floating on top, they most likely came from the patient's body.

What disease or conditions can I heal with the Alimtox Ion Cell Cleanse?

The Alimtox ion cell cleanse Does not heal or cure any disease or condition. The cleanse can assist the body to release toxins.

Can a person on Allopathic medications use the Alimtox unit?

Yes. Before any changes to dosage be sure to consult your physician.

Should you use the Alimtox Ion Generator every day.

The manufacturer recommends treatments once or twice weekly. The treatments can be increased or decreased based on your reaction to the treatments.

How long should treatment last?

Adults should do a full 1-hour cycle. On average approximately 20 minutes for the blood to do a complete cycle by doing a full one-hour treatment, your blood will complete 3 cycles of the blood. A child would want to do a 30-minute cycle.

What benefits might I notice after a treatment?

The Alimtox Ion Generator may assist the body in improving:
Liver and Kidney function

General circulation and metabolism


Headaches and migraines

Skins problems

Mercury and heavy metals detox

Wellbeing & balance of the whole body

Menstrual pain & PMS

How long will you feel the benefits of treatment?

Each person has different health issues and will have different responses but on average a person will feel the benefits for 3 to 4 days. After doing treatments for an extended time the benefits will last a week or longer.

Is there proof of what the detox cures?

The Alimtox machine does not cure anything. The Alimtox machine is for educational purposes only to empower people with knowledge to take care of their health.

After treatment will I be restricted in my activities?

No, You can go about your daily business as usual. It is recommended to increase your water intake like you would in any detox protocol.