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Alimtox Ion Generator



The Alimtox Ion Professional Detox System is a Commercial Grade and Powerful Ion Detoxifying Machine that includes the electronic detoxifying unit, 2 arrays, 2 wrist straps, 1 year warranty. The Alimtoxl detox treatment is a safe, straightforward treatment that involves immersing one's feet into a bowl filled with water in order to detoxify the body. While immersing your feet in the water, a series of timed positive and negative ions that the system emits, invigorates, re- conditions and synchronizes the body's natural ionic flow.

LC conforms to CSA-c22.2 No.68--92 File No 319211 Conforms to UL 1431,. Ed2 CE WT053001488 WT058001685



- 1 Alimtox Ion Generator device
- 2 arrays
- 2 wristbands


13 (W) 9 (D) 5.5 (H)


Model 0508
Rating voltage 110V/60Hz
Maximun power 60W
Weight 8lbs

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